Illustrated water droplet with flame inside. A Storyline film and exhibit. Water Warriors. Nothing in this world can live without water

#WaterWarriors Resource Guide

Below you’ll find information about Water Warriors, promotional tools, lesson plans, and materials to help you lead discussions, trainings and screenings.


Water Warriors is a 22-minute short film and multimedia exhibit about a community’s successful fight to protect their water.

Watch the trailer on YouTube or Vimeo.

Click the links to download:

The Water Warriors short film is now streaming on POV on PBS.

Select local stations may be broadcasting the film for multiple time slots check your local listings for more info.

To stream Water Warriors visit:

The exhibit is now available. Click this link for more information.

DVD & Blu-Ray

To buy a DVD, Blu-Ray, or digital/streaming copy for your school, library, institution, or organization’s collection please visit our educational distributor New Day Films:

We thank you for respecting the value of our labor by purchasing the film for a public screening at your institution. If your institution can afford the film for a screening or inclusion in your library, your purchase helps us to continue to tell important stories. If the prices are prohibitive please email us.


Water Warriors is a production of Storyline, a nonprofit production company. Read Filmmaker Magazine's Q&A with director Michael Premo.

For a full list of the production crew download a PDF of the Water Warriors press kit.

POV (a cinema term for “point of view”) is television’s longest-running showcase for independent non-fiction films.

Water Warriors features the following people:

Alma Brooks, William Nevins, Amanda Polchies, Cyril Polchies, Debra Hopper, Denise Melanson, Debbie Cyr, Kielyn Copage, Lorraine Clair, Maxime Daigle, Louise Melanson, Suzanne Patles, Evan Cyr, Zach Cyr, Nipwai Kakinoosit, Pocahontas Clair, Jason Augustine, Isaac Cyr, Elsipogtog First Nation Chief Arren Sock Elsipogtog First Nation Councillor Robert Levi Miles Howe, Timothy Sock, Jean Sock, Charlie Levi.

Find us on Social Media:


Discussion and Educational Materials

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#StayHomeWatchTogether Discussion Guide 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Storyline and Together Films collaborated to create a discussion guide to be used specifically for a virtual audience. This guide walks participants through the Water Warriors story and its particular relevance to the pandemic.

Illustrated people with fists in the air with words saying screening guide


A 32-page guide that will help any group to plan a successful stand-alone event or include Water Warriors as part of a larger meeting or event. The guide includes a sample agenda, discussion prompts, background on the Mi’kmaq, timeline of the blockade, and a glossary of terms.



In this lesson for Grades 7-12, students work collaboratively in groups to explore specific clips of the documentary, become experts in that particular segment, and teach it to other members of their group and their class. Essential Question: Where do ecological justice and indigenous rights fit into the paradigm for the fight for human rights globally?

Colonization and decolonization curriculum cover

Colonization and Decolonization CURRICULUM

This manual, created by Kwakwaka’wakw educator Gord Hill (AKA Zig Zag), includes lesson plans divided into four sections. It can be used to teach three one-hour classes, or adapted for your classroom. This manual is intended for self-study as well as for use in training classes.

The first section defines colonialism, its methods, and its history up to today. The second section details the impact colonialism has had on Indigenous peoples, including sociological and individual impacts. The third section examines the concept of decolonization. The fourth section discusses decolonization within North America.


Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan - Zine workshop

Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan, in which participants create zines around the film’s themes. This was developed by Mica Le John, Education Director of No Longer Empty, who incorporated the film into No Longer Empty’s Youth Action Council curriculum.

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Photos and Graphics

PRomo photos

Two promotional stills with captions.

Women in orange and white coat standing in front of large group of cops dressed in black
Person standing in front of a burning pile of tires


Various shaped posters, event flyers, design elements, and style guide. Designed by Josh Yoder.

event flyer.png
event 2.png

Watch party graphics

Group of people standing in front of  a light with Watch Party logo across image.
Sun setting over water with Watch Party logo across image.
Person in orange coat standing in front of large group of cops with Watch Party logo across image.
Person standing in front of fire with Watch Party logo across image.


Six different Instagram photos with logos. You can add your logos and event information. (Three not pictured.)

Sun setting over water
Person standing in front of three trucks
Person in orange and white coat standing in front of large group of cops


Pack of six images using the two promo photos in three variations each. Two have empty space at the bottom so you can add your event logos and info. (Three not pictured.)

Person in orange and white coat standing in front of large group of cops with Water Warriors logo
Person in orange and white coat standing in front of large group of cops with Water Warriors logo and now streaming
Person in orange and white coat standing in front of large group of cops with Water Warriors logo and November 4th date